Just a place for our families to stay updated on us while Cassie is in grad school and we are away from home....this is our never quiet life.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

My Word for 2014

I've seen people write about their "word of the year" for a few years now. I've decided that maybe if I have an intentional word to focus on for my goals and life, then it will help me to focus on the bigger picture.

Adam and I were talking the other night and I asked him what word he would choose for 2014 and we both said "Patience" at the same time! ha! I guess we both know that we need patience in all areas of our life.

So, I am going to strive to be more patient in my relationships, patient in the internship application process, patient in the dissertation process, and patient about the unknown. It is my hope that this will allow 2014 to be a peaceful year for me and my family.