Just a place for our families to stay updated on us while Cassie is in grad school and we are away from home....this is our never quiet life.

Monday, January 24, 2011


This last week has been a bit of a rollercoaster! I finally found out the reason for my occasional bouts of severe abdominal pain as I had an entire day of searing pain in the right upper quadrant....yep, you guessed it! My gallbladder was BAD! So, I listened to the doctor and had it removed on Saturday morning. I had to miss classes, practicum, cancel my class, and spend 3 days in the hospital. My poor Hannah and Alex had to go stay with their grandparents while Adam had to miss work to stay with me...I tried going back to school today and was only able to stay long enough to teach. Partly because I was hurting and tired and partly because the faculty and the powers that be and my fellow students all told me to "deal with my silly decision to teach today" and then go home and rest....so I did! I also was given the go ahead to cancel my practicums this week, so I get more time to just be at home relaxing and resting. I am so glad that I have supportive professors at school, supportive friends, and supportive family! I am sooo lucky that I had some wonderful friends who conducted my meeting today and that Adam was so willing to take me to school and pick me up again.....AND he carried my rolling bag in and up the first flight of stairs to the elevator for me since I cannot lift anything over 5 lbs right now.
It's really hard not being able to eat my normal comfort foods, but hopefully this will be the jumpstart that I really needed to keep me on the healthy eating track....No caffeine for 6 days now, so I am gonna try to keep that up...drinking lots of water and decaf tea with sweetnlow! I can't have fried foods right now and I have to keep grease and fat content down, so I really think this could work out for the best. I have lost 10 lbs since Wednesday (mainly due to the fact that I was NPO and on full liquids for my entire hospital stay), but I am hoping I can keep it off. It would be a good start to my continued weight loss!

Above are a few pics of the kiddos playing with my photobooth on my mac!

~ Cassie

Monday, January 17, 2011

Mommy-Hannah date night

Hannah and I left Alex with Gran and Papaw for his first sleepover with them and we headed to the movies. I had been promising Hannah we would go see Tangled since previews started playing several months back, but just never had a chance to take her. So, we took advantage of the fact that there was no school today for MLK holiday and went to the movies last night. Hannah was super excited to have all the attention and she LOVED the movie! It will definitely be one we add to our collection of DVD's. We stayed up late last night and slept in this morning and I wish we could do this every day! But alas, the real world of grad school reappears bright and early tomorrow morning!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Hannah's Dance

Hannah's dance teacher has finally announced the theme for the recital. They will be dancing The Wizard of Oz. Performances will be on Friday, June 3rd and Saturday June 4th @ 6:30pm both days. If you want to come and watch, then please let me know which day and how many tickets you need.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The Beginning

This is my first jump into a blog all on my own. I'm mainly starting this as a way to share the day to day happenings of our family with our friends and family at home while we are away for graduate school. I also want a place where I can keep track of all those little things Hannah and Alex do on a daily basis so that they have a bit of a virtual scrapbook/memory book when they are all grown. My mind seems to wander a lot and so my posts may be random quite a bit.

So, since I am starting this right after Christmas, the picture above is my little ones on Christmas! Hannah was only slightly excited about getting her game system!