Just a place for our families to stay updated on us while Cassie is in grad school and we are away from home....this is our never quiet life.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

First Day of School

Hannah started her second year of kindergarten yesterday. After having a busy last week and weekend, I was worried how she would do having to get up so early to catch the bus. She had trouble with falling asleep before 9:30pm and all I could think was "tomorrow morning is going to be FUN".  Surprisingly she didn't even hit snooze on her alarm. She immediately got out of bed and started getting ready. She was smiling, cheerful, and didn't complain once. I think my little girl might be starting to grow up. I think her therapy is starting to empower her and make her feel confident in herself.

I was ready to hear about her day, and she was so excited and chatty when I picked her up from school.  She is with the same teacher she had last year, and she absolutely loves her. Hannah was chatty about her new friends, who followed the rules, and the activities she completed. I am hoping she is up to grade level when they test with DIBELS. She received Title I services all last year, and I would like for her to not need the intense instruction anymore. I know that would help her confidence.

Hannah started school with a new backpack and lunchbox thanks to her Gran and Papaw. She loves her pink John Deere backpack and her Thermos Hello Kitty lunchbox. We packed her lunch the night before and she was excited to tell me her friends reaction to her lunch. She said, "Mommy, when I opened my lunchbox, my friends said that it looked sooo good and maybe they would bring that for their lunch." She had the biggest smile on her face. She had chosen hummus, baby carrots, a thin slice of lunchmeat ham, a few flatbread crackers and a blueberry gogurt.

I think I am ready (and I may be a bit premature) to say that I think this year will be a wonderful kindergarten year for my Hannah Banana. Alex will start pre-K after Labor Day. Henry is almost five months old and will be with a regular sitter (his aunt) while I am in class. I have preliminary examinations this week, and once I pass them I will be admitted to candidacy for my Ph.D. This will be our year for success and growth. I'm counting on it. We need to have a great year!

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